permeable interlocking concrete pavement
Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (PICP) is comprised of a layer of concrete pavers separated by joints filled with small stones. Water enters joints between solid concrete pavers and flows through an “open-graded” base (i.e. crushed stone layers with no small or fine particles). The void spaces among the crushed stones store water and infiltrate it back into the soil subgrade. The stones in the joints provide up to 100% surface permeability, while the base filters storm water and reduces pollutants.
Flexible, segmental paver systems are a desirable pavement choice, especially when 20 year, 30 year, or 50 year life cycle costs are used to evaluate proper pavement selections for site development. The Bio-Aquifer Storm System (BASS) expands the base design and integrates specifically designed pavers in an engineered system that will allow for collection of storm water runoff and support heavy axle loads for roadways and parking lots. In addition, due to the types of aggregate used, a natural filtration process will occur and pollutants that are removed from the runoff will be broken down by bacteria contained in the aggregates.
A few of the many benefits of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (PICP):
Ecological – Improves Water Quality
- Reduce or eliminate storm water runoff
- Reduce downstream flooding erosion in streambeds and riverbanks
- Promote rainwater infiltration and natural groundwater recharge
Economical – Replaces Retention & Detention Ponds
- Reduction in project costs for drainage and retention systems
- Reduce impact of costly compliance regulations
- Permit efficient land-use of development land for highest value
Elegant – Provides Solution for EPA Phase II Rule
- Exhibit surface joint flexibility to counter settlement cracks
- Allow access for underground utilities repair
- Unaffected by extremes of heat and frost

See below for a case study on our 2016 riviera beach marina project
Want to Learn More?
call us today at 561-845-6040